At GECAM, our best feature is our global team of highly professional and knowledgeable individuals, who, through their hard work, passion, dedication and perceptiveness, continuously allowed GECAM to evolve throughout these years to become today one of the leading companies in polymers processing in Morocco.
With its Moroccan roots and a global reach, we believe that GECAM is able to offer the best blend of in-depth sector expertise.
An independent, privately-owned, family company, our culture is far-removed from any short-term logic and is very much about building solid relationships over the years in a wide variety of sectors. This has been possible because of our relentless commitment to work closely in understanding not only the key strategic goals and single business models of our clients but also that subtle match between the talent that we look to attract and our clients’ unique organizational DNA.
On behalf of the Executive Board of GECAM and our people around the world, we look forward to serving you and your company’s needs.
Said the CEO of GECAM